From Twitter on transexuality, Long sequence from Dija Xi

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view post Posted on 24/10/2015, 12:37

this is a long post form Dija Xi but it was not made here, it was made in short posts on Twitter. The origin of the discussion was a fuss about comments on TV (I think) made by Germaine Greer on the subject of transexuality. Greer has a position on this issue which she has held for years and which is coherent, though not a necessary conclusion. Most of those commenting are incensed by her statement that transexual women are not "real women", and that is what this poster seeks to address. Dija Xi has not read Germaine Greer's whole argument, and does not think it profitable to do that. Which is, I think, a pity. But nonetheless the perspective is interesting and worth reproducing here, I think

the struggle between sexes is we know only the obvious differences, yet can only sense the others. i am selecting an ideal statement to carry on linearly from. . . stand-by. this is Twitter not a class. because of this 'blind' perception, the species divides it's self according to a 'binary', however the 'rails' of our binary is none - as consistent, regular, polar nor absolute as it appears..

i will give an (or perhaps some) example(s). let's sight Einstein in an error of his mis-assumption for this. i will share a quote of Einstein's to draw the direction of topics.

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
- Albert Einstein

Albert was a physicist, not a biologist. A chemist through arithmetic only. Einstein made two mistakes that no one in the sciences should ever make when he made this quote.

1.) When Einstein made this quote, he forgot that the scientist is A PART of the experiment
2.) Einstein also forgot that the Human being is an Organism, with near-infinite complexity in design

i will state what was wrong with Einstein's quote if you continue to remain still, stand-by.

'Common Sense' is the Need for an organism to appropriate subject and/or matter. Common Sense is not 'common due to sense', but 'common due to presence in the organisms who have it' Even culture and experience may never change the preference which a particular organism has. Common sense may be malleable in some, yet wholly un-mutable in others. 'Common Sense' has little to do with numeric age by solar-cycle (other than 'personology')

But, the question becomes, why have i sighted 'common sense'? i have sited 'common sense', because it is more biological than Einstein thought to give it credit. 'common sense' is biological, Because it is within only organisms, and the artificial life they create. so, then, how different is 'common sense' among us all, if personology initially determines so much? is there not 'free-will' (the ability to behave beyond only need/necessity and/or desire)?

the truth is, the remainder of Human behavior, between 'common sense' and 'desire and need' is very slim. as 'common sense' (instinct and material lust) and 'drives of desire and need' are essentially the same. so in truth, VERY FEW of us EVER behave one particular way or the other because we 'choose'. We (Humans) don't 'choose', we almost never 'choose'. Choice is an illusion. Instead we 'select'. we 'select' our mates with natural selection, which we assume is choice, simply because the process is 'complex'. when in actuality, we 'prefer' to only do what is 'natural', which is only what we want and what we need

from this perspective, even the males and females of a species identify themselves with behavior alone. the male and female become obvious, even when their natural behavior defies the understanding of sex. and it becomes obvious that gender and sex do not necessarily coincide, as it was necessary for a female single cell (ovum) to become a male single cell (spermatozoa) back in the primordial soup so that it could crash into another female cell, and combine chromosomal genetic locus. the change in those female cells, which caused them to become male was a (natural) 'selection' it was a 'physical' step necessary in the evolution of that cell, which then created the process of procreation. and so gender and sex could almost never coincide beyond what is enforced by the natural selection. of a species in question, throughout time. But, Never could it overcome the original process hat took place: the choice for a female to become a male - which still goes on throughout is a method of ensuring effective evolution and survivability. this process enables change and growth and intelligence and creativity.
on a level as complex as Human life, it allows us to perceive ourselves from many perspectives through communication of individual experiences across the mass of a whole and brings us closer to the mastery of the Human experience, it's very self, as a species in a whole. gender and sex do not always match, and identity takes the form of whatever the cell (organism) is free to expresss
0 replies since 24/10/2015, 12:37   79 views