New guidance for doctors suspicious of child abuse

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view post Posted on 10/7/2012, 01:16

This is not news because the notion that doctors are unwilling to be involvd in child abuse cases has been around for quite a number of years. It started when they were criticised in courts and this article makes mention of that. They are also confused about confidentiality. And they don't like being turned into the police any more than I do: with all the implications that has for your ability to do your job in the current climate

But it is interesting. Doctors are smart and they are well represented by their professional body. If they fear the consequences of being involved in this process, it is quite difficult for me to resist a bit of schadenfreude. And that is not fair. The problem is not the doctors: it is not even the courts as such: it is the impossible expectations of a public informed by an ignorant media with a sensationalist agenda.

I really hope that doctors who have now recognised this problem to some extent will take on the problem: but they won't do it by issuing guidance and standards and stuff: because that is no defence as my profession well knows. It should be: but it isn't. They will learn, perhaps
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